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MMP Mini-series

Are you ready to experience the power of Holistic Horsemanship?

The 7-day Mastery Mini-Series:

Develop the Relationship & Ride of Your Dreams with Your Horse


Watch now to see Caroline explain why a holistic  “foundation” is the key!

Meet your horse where they need to be met and everything is possible!

Join Caroline Beste, your instructor, and thousands of like-minded equestrians for a groundbreaking approach to horsemanship, an approach that no one else is teaching and that’s because it works - for the horse.


Everything Caroline does with horses is done through love, feel and partnership – and that’s what you’re going to learn in her groundbreaking holistic horsemanship mastery miniseries! 


This method not only works for horses (it is their language), it works for you, showing you how to meet your horses needs through feeling heard, feeling safe and feeling understood. 

Once you know what to use and how to use it, you can apply this approach to any technique and any situation and get immediate results! Results that not only last but transform you and your horse’s relationship and working partnership – instantly! 


If you’re ready for a whole new level of connection, communication and consensual partnership with your horse, this miniseries is for you.


Three Horses

Eliane, CA

Wow! Last night's webinar was absolutely invaluable. Each topic you discussed, the examples and explanations were immeasurably worth. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to attend, I learned so much!

Three Horses

Mary, IN

Thank you for modeling a kind of interaction with your horses where they can bring their full selves. So unlike how many still believe that the respect you need as leader requires great distance and separation rather than union with these amazing guide beings we are privileged to have in our lives.

Three Horses

Davey Lee, CA

I am so thankful to have these tools to use! Trying the lessons has been a real game changer with my mare and has helped us build our connection even deeper. This miniseries has helped me figure some of her out (as well as figure parts of myself out too) so exciting


Thank you for registering! A confirmation email will be sent shortly!

Registration closes 
July 1st, 2024

This session starts July 3rd, 2024

MMP Mini-Series Summary


This 7-day series is offered free and begins

Wednesday, July 3rd.

  • Once you register, you will receive a detailed email.

  • The day before you start, you will receive a downloadable PDF workbook.

  • Video lesson releases begin Wednesday, July 3rd with a new one released each day (7 days), ending Tuesday, March 26th. Please check your email (or spam) each morning at 8am (EST) for each day's video lesson.

  • By July 10th you will have been given full access to the entire series and have access for another full week while we send you a daily "deep dive" to talk about each lesson on a deeper level.

  • This gives you another week to practice with your horse!

  • This series concludes with a LIVE group Zoom class Wednesday, July 17th, 7pm/EST/USA where Caroline will answer questions that you can submit prior to the meeting.

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You DON'T want to miss the live webinar!

Caroline will be there personally to answer any questions, and offer you a plan to continue your journey...

 Giveaways and a special offer will be available for webinar participants only!

MMP Mini-Series Schedule



Get to Know Your Horse First;
How to Assess Your Horse before Training


Learn why it’s important to assess your horse first and before you begin any training, re-training, or rehabilitation. This is vital to making training easy for you both and assures you start off on the right foot moving forward. 





6 Principles of Training & Teaching New Skills


Being a professional trainer and instructor has taught me one very important lesson about teaching; Every student (2 and 4-legged) learns differently. I struggled as a learner all my life until I discovered this proven formula that has worked for me and my students world-wide.





Formula for Success with Horses in 15 Minutes or Less – any horse, any discipline


Learn my 4-step formula for success with any horse in 15 minutes or less! Learn how to turn any training into positive and powerful learning experiences so you and your horse are connected, feeling confident, excited to learn and most of all enjoying the process.





Language of Equus: Laying the Foundation for Connection, Leadership & Partnership


The language of Equus teaches us that horses are non-verbal communicators. But did you know they communicate like Bats and Dolphins too? You will learn the secret to your horse’s heart and how to speak their language in the upcoming video lessons.


In this lesson you will see a student of mine work with her food aggressive horse. This is one example of the many ways taught in the MasteryMembership™ Program to work with your horse using their language. You will see her begin with "sharing space" and then progressively "take space" to position herself as his leader - all by speaking the language of Equus!


3 Important Exercises to Develop Safe, Connected Handling & Training


These three ground exercises are where I begin with every horse and are essential to developing focus, leadership, safety and partnership with your horse.





Art of Lunging – Developing the Riding Horse

(Pilates for You & Your Horse)


Learn how to start, re-start or rehabilitate your horse while building a safe, connected, balanced ride and partnership.




Do You Have Permission to Ride?


Getting permission to ride is an honor and one I don’t take lightly. It’s worth every ounce of time and sweat to earn because once you have it, you will be Riding as One™ - in heart, mind and body with your horse. 


Does your horse really want you to ride? Do you have to hold them still, walk them around or have someone hold them for you while you mount? Do they walk off as soon as you get on, or worse, get nervous? If you answered yes to any of these, no worries - I've got you!


You're already learning how to fix this, and you have the building blocks in this mini-series to not only help you get permission to get on, but develop the level of relationship your horse needs from you to want to take care of you and keep you safe.




DAY 8-14
Get ready for a "deep dive" into what you have learned and a Live Webinar!


Use this time to practice with your horse and receive daily Deep Dives to really understand and apply what you are learning. It's a great time to gather any questions in your workbook about the mini-series or the MasteryMembership™ Program!


The webinar is the time to ask any questions you may have and get ready to begin a journey that is sure to change your life! Watch for your invite and your chance to submit questions!

Holism is the secret word (and work) and what makes Caroline’s method of horsemanship
work for all horses, from babies to re-starts, extreme trauma to top performance.

Caroline is offering you the keys to unlock you and your horse’s potential easily, with love
and leadership and most of all she will be showing you a level of consensual partnership
that is guaranteed to keep you safe.

Sign up NOW and see the difference it can make for you!

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Webinar, hearing about your progress and
showing you how to continue your journey in Holistic Horsemanship!
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