🌟 Unlock the Partnership of Your Dreams🌟
with Your Horse Today!
Unlock the Partnership of Your Dreams
with Your Horse Today!
Wednesday, APRIL 9, 2025 - 7pm/EST/USA

Learn how this revolutionary training program is designed
to work for you and your horse!
Real connection only happens when both parties are present, attuned and open to receiving connection.
That's why most "connection"
training doesn't work. It's really
about mechanics and coercion.
Learn how to connect with yourself
first and you will have the kind of
connection you need to work in
true harmony and consensual partnership with horses.

Feel Confident
Confidence isn't about mechanically controlling the situation.
Real confidence comes from a place of knowing, a sense of ease, that is combined with skill and experience.
Learn these three areas of your horsemanship and you're ready for anything life, and your horse,
throws your way.

Ride Safely
Being safe on the back of a horse comes down to relationship and nervous system regulation.
Develop these two skills in balance, and you will always be connected, feel confident, and be safe with your horse.
Sure, we need skill, technique, and good balance, but in the end, they won't keep your horse from bolting
or flipping out.
In the end, what keeps you safe is relationship and your horses self-regulation of their nervous system.

Create a calm, connected, consensual partnerhip with horses, without harsh methods, force, stress or submission.
Welcome to the Dream Riding Partnership Program™ (DRPP).
There are many reasons why the DRPP works for all horses. For starters, it teaches you how to assess your horse first so you can meet them where they are.
This is so important to developing the level of trust and safety horses need to connect, engage, desire deep and meaningful relationships and working partnerships with us.
While the program follows a thorough, comprehensive, and progressive (step-by-step) curriculum, its holistic lens and approach personalizes the learning experience for both you and your horse.
In addition, it teaches you how to become a diagnostician, a problem solver and most of all a compassionate horse listener and partner for your horse.
This is why the program is effective for horses and people. It shows you how to motivate your horse to strive for more through intimate, positive, and collaborative learning experiences.
It doesn't matter where you are on your journey, your level of experience, or your age. The program is designed to work for every horse and equestrian, empowering you to reach the relationship and riding partnership of your dreams together every step of the way.

What Makes It Work
The inclusion of the following four modalities in our training method. When combined,
they produce the most self-regulated, versatile, confident, happy and safe
horse-human partnerships possible.
#1 Spiritual
The DRPP offers a personalized learning journey for both you and your horse that embodies spirituality and personal exploration and growth.
This journey is unique to each two and four-legged student and what makes the learning journey special, meaningful and enriching for both.
#2 Holistic
While the program teaches you basic to advanced mechanics, skills and biomechanics, the holistic approach makes the connection and level of communication clear and possible between horse and human. This makes the learning experience both inspiring, positive, and motivating - your horse looks forward to learning.
#3 Scientific
Caroline is an expert in rehabilitation. She knows what's needed first and foremost in training, and unfortunately, too often, it's not about relationships or connections. Most horses need self-regulation first so they can be open to relationships and connections.
You will also learn the science of movement and neuroscience, providing you with a comprehensive education in equine behavior, psychology, instincts, and physiology.
#4 Classical
Caroline teaches a way of riding that is parallel to none. Combining classical training (she is a certified Working Equitation instructor) with the energy alignment theory and practices, Caroline teaches you how to ride as one with your horse in heart coherence, thought, and movement.
Her knowledge of classical training provides a training system that teaches you how to develop you and your horse's potential without compromising integrity, well-being
or spirit.

Caroline Beste
Founder, Teacher & Educator
A lifelong artist and equestrian, Caroline has spent her life observing nature, specifically the wild horses of the Assateague and Chincoteague Islands. This
is where she learned about the horses' true nature, behaviors, and secret language, inspiring her to develop her signature and proven training method, the Tao of Horsemanship.
After twenty-five years of working with thousands of two—and four-legged students, Caroline has mastered the only proven relationship-based training system designed to work for horses and people, the Dream Riding Partnership Program.
Caroline’s program teaches a holistic, science-based, and classical approach to developing horses and humans together, from the inside out, from the ground to riding, from start to finish, rehab to recovery, beginner to pro. It’s that complete and fulfilling; it covers it all.
In addition to being an educator, artist, and student of the horse, Caroline is an international clinician, certified Working Equitation Instructor, and relationship, rehab, and riding foundation specialist.
Caroline offers the largest, most comprehensive, holistic online educational platform, The Tao of Horsemanship Academy. It hosts a variety of courses and in-person programs produced and personally taught by Caroline and her beloved schoolmasters.
Caroline lives on their majestic 20-acre farm outside Ocala, FL with her two and four legged family. They enjoy family time, movies, cooking, gardening, nature, water, and the outdoors.